

[error] Failed to enable feature using current license settings. Note that Pro, Premium, Enterprise licenses are available on your server.

    • FAQFAQ

      [error] Failed to enable feature using current license settings. Note that Pro, Premium, Enterprise licenses are available on your server. To use these licenses check the corresponding UI option. For more information, search for “PPE” in the help documentation. Failover feature ‘*****’ specified in license preferences is not available. Request name ***** does not exist in the licensing pool. No such feature exists. 発生ケース  解析開始直後 原因  ANSYS Electronics Pro, Premium, Enterprise ライセンスを使用する際のオプション設定が有効化されていない 対策  メニュー Tools > Options > General Options を開き、General > Desktop Configuration > Product Licensing: [Use Electronics Pro, Premium, Enterprise product licensing] にチェックを入れる 関連資料: #2062908/ANSYS Electronics Pro, Premium, Enterprise ライセンスをご利用の方に必要な初期設定