

What is the reason for this error message when mesher fails – “A software execution error occurred inside the mesher. The process suffered an unhandled exception or ran out of usable memory.”?

    • FAQFAQ

      This is a generic crash message which means that the mesher is doing something unexpected and the software couldn’t identify what is causing the problem. Some times when it runs out of memory this message will be generated thus the part in the message about this, but that is not the case every time this error message is produced. When this error shows up on some machines but not others, it could be caused due to fire wall/virus scan etc. Suggestions: Try different meshing methods. For example – try patch independent method instead of patch conforming tetra or Multizone instead of Sweep. Try changing the mesh sizes for parts that failed to mesh. Remove mesh defeaturing (Details of “Mesh” >> Sizing >> Mesh Defeaturing >> No) and see if that helps. Use the worksheet to control the meshing sequence.