

How can I easily extract data (Pressure for example) at every point along the centreline of a pipe that has multiple elbows and changes profile?

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      In Fluent: 1. Create a UDS with Flux Function = none 2. Set the UDS Value = 1 at the inlet 3. Set the UDS Value = 0 at the outlet 4. Set the UDS Flux = 0 at all other boundaries. This will create a zero-gradient at the walls thus creating surfaces of constant UDS values perpendicular to the walls. In CFX: 1. Create a scalar additional variable based on the poisson equation with a kinemeatic diffusivity of 1 m^-2 s^-2 2. Set the AV Value = 1 at the inlet 3. Set the AV Value = 0 at the outlet 4. Set the constant Flux at the walls. In CFD-Post: 1. Create Isosurfaces of the UDS or additional variable from 0 to 1. These isosurfaces will be perpendicular to the walls at all locations. Pressure data can then be extracted from these surfaces.