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Discovery AIM – Resolving error “ACIS libraries couldn’t be found”

    • FAQFAQ


      When trying to create a new geometry or import a geometry in ANSYS AIM, following errors may appear:

      ACIS libraries couldn’t be found in


      Could not start modeler. Error: Value cannot be null.

      Parameter name: path1









      The problem is likely caused by missing or incorrect Windows registry entries.

      Recommended Solution:

      1. When the Ansys program is installed, the setup program must be able to write to the Windows registry. Right-clicking on a program and selecting “Run As Administrator” does NOT guarantee the user has permission to also write entries into the Windows registry. Confirm that the Windows registry entries are missing or incorrect.

      •    Run as Administrator: “regedit.exe”

      •    Note: If Regedit fails to start, then this proves that the user does not have permission to access the registry. The user must obtain assistance from their IT department to resolve this issue.

      2. In Regedit, confirm the following key is indeed missing for the Ansys version you are working on.

      Example: If Ansys 19.3, then the following will not be present:


      3. Run the configuration executable to add the entries into the registry. Example: If Ansys 19.3 is installed under C:Program FilesANSYS Incv193 C:Program FilesANSYS

      Incv193commonfilesconfigswinx64config – Run as Administrator: AnsConfigSpaceClaim.exe

      4. In Regedit, refresh by selecting View > Refresh (or shortcut F5) confirm the following key is now present for the Ansys version you are working on. Example: If Ansys 19.3, then the following will be present: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTSpaceClaim.AnsysSCDM.193


      5. Confirm that the Path is correct for the Ansys version you are working on Example: C:Program FilesANSYS Incv193scdm


      6. Retry your work in a new session of ANSYS AIM.