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FAQ: KeyShot license error when rendering from queue

    • FAQFAQ

      FAQ: KeyShot license error when rendering from queue


      When adding tasks to the rendering queue and clicking Process Queue, KeyShot produces the following error:



      This problem can be resolved by setting the KEYSHOT_EXTERNAL_LICENSE_FOLDER environment variable to point to the current Discovery installation folder for SCDM:


      C:Program FilesANSYS Incv201scdm

      1. To access the Windows Environment variables, click the Start menu and search for “Environment”
      2. Select Edit the System Environment Variables
      3. Click Environment Variables…
      4. In the bottom section of the dialog box, locate KEYSHOT_EXTERNAL_LICENSE_FOLDER, click Edit, and set it as indicated above.
      5. If the variable does not exist, click New and create it
      6. Restart both SpaceClaim and KeyShot