We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.
Installation and Licensing

Installation and Licensing

FAQ: Resolving Error – ANSYSLI exited or could not read server port ANSYSLI_FNE_PORT

    • SolutionSolution

      Download the file here
      Problem: When opening Discovery products 2019 R2 via subscription license, you may receive the following license error:

      ANSYSLI exited or could not read server port ANSYSLI_FNE_PORT



      Cause: This is possibly because of an issue in retrieving the host ids from the system on ansysls_client.exe startup. To confirm this:

      1. Type %temp% in Windows Search and locate .ansys folder.
      2. Locate the file named ansysls_client.****.log
      3. Open the file and check for error “Received a fatal signal C0000005: ACCESS VIOLATION

      Recommended Solution: Reboot the machine and if the problem persists, follow the steps listed below:

      1. Go to folder C:Program FilesANSYS IncShared FilesLicensingwinx64
      2. Rename the file ansysls_client.exe to ansysls_client.exe.old
      3. Download the attached ansysls_client.exe file and paste it in the same folder.
      4. Add a new environment variable ANSYSLS_CLIENT_USE_ALT_HOSITD_METHOD=1 to the list of system variables on your machine.
      5. Reboot the machine

      Note: This solution is applicable for 2019R2 version only and once 2019R3 is available, a complete uninstall and reinstall to 2019R3 is recommended.