

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Zero thickness wall inside the domain

    • NimaNZ

      Hi everyone

      I have a building with an opening. The opening has thickness but I want to add zero thickness fins perpendicular to the opening at the centre of the opening (like centre pivot window). When I draw the surface and define it as a wall inside the Space claim, in fluent these walls disapear.

      I was wondering if there is any solution for this?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      The surface isn't passed into the Meshing tool as it's not recognised. The easy work around is to model the object with a relatively high thickness and only label one face as a wall. You mesh the thickness to be no finer than you'd model the bulk and sorted.
    • NimaNZ
      That's exactly the problem. What you're saying is that I should determine the body of that fin as fluid in Mechanical and only wall side as a wall? or just to be smaller than the grid side it cannot capture the effect of thickness and it can be solid?
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      The thickness cannot be smaller than a cell, I'll leave you to try it out. Yes, create a body with a "sensible" thickness and assign one surface as a wall: the others should either be left alone or defined as interior.
    • NimaNZ
      Thank you so much for the details, it is much appreciated.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      you're welcome. Check the manuals for "baffle" too, I'm sure there's a proper way of doing it, but I've been using the workaround for years.
    • NimaNZ
      Thank you so much ; when dealing with thin S-shaped louvres at the opening, I should check if it's working or not.
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