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ZEMAX CAD export problems with tilted surfaces

    • jurgen.schmoll

      Hi all,


      I struggle to get the Zemax CAD export towards STEP files to work, as tilted surfaces are either not exported at all, or appear at the wrong location. 

      One example here: The object to the right being a diffraction grating between two prisms (grism). This is the Zemax layout:

      and this is what the .stp export looks like:

      The grism being compacted and translated to the front of the optical train. 

      Also surface type "tilted" seems not to export at all. Is this a bug?



    • jurgen.schmoll

      Another example:

      Two prism triplets between two achromats. The prism surface types are "tilted". 

      Here the CAD export: The prisms are compacted to a mess and located way out of their supposed position:

      Here a zoom into the prisms:

      So the CAD export to STEP files seems not to work properly. 



    • Niki Papachristou
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Jurgen,

      Thank you for reaching out to us! May I ask you whether you have checked or unchecked the Parasoli libraries to see if this works for you? 

      Let me know if that worked, otherwise I will keep investigating your question.




    • jurgen.schmoll

      Hi Niki,

      thank you for coming back to me. The parasolid library box is ticked. 

      I just tested unticking the box, and on exporting I get the error message "surface 12 failed to export". This is the standard surface just in front of the diffraction grating, making a tilted prism surface as the element is a grism.



      On the plus side, the remaining surfaces are at the correct positions now. So I get the grating, but not the two tilted prisms around it. It is the 2nd element from the right now, the yellowish rectangle. 

      So chosing the parasolid library causes a mess up of tilted surfaces. Deselecting the library causes wedged surfaces not to export. 



    • Niki Papachristou
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Jurgen,

      Thank you for your response. It is difficult to say exactly what might be wrong without any further knowledge regarding your file, but there are several hints for the Export CAD function at our help file: The File Tab » Export Group » CAD Files. I would suggest to check the Apertures within your system as well as the coordinate breaks, since these might be one reason for this error.

      Kind Regards,



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