Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

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Y+ value in fluent

    • 지완 ì„œ

      I performed a turbulence simulation using RANS.

      I want to analyze the y+ values at the boundary of the model.

      Using the contour option, I can observe the turbulence - y+ values on the model boundary and by integrating along the boundary, I can obtain the average y+ value. 

      Which value should I consider to be accurate, as the results differ?

      Thansk :)

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Integrating what along the boundary? 

      • 지완 ì„œ

        I integrated over the surface of the analysis model.

        Thanks :)

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You're asking why the integral and the average are different? The various surface reports are covered in

      • 지완 ì„œ

        The specific question is as follows:

        We can observe the y+ value through surface integral and contour in the turbulence section. I am curious why the two y+ values observed here are different.

        The y+ value obtained through surface integral makes sense to me. It is calculated by summing the individual y+ values in each region and then dividing by the area.

        However, when looking at the y+ value from the contour on the boundary surface of the model being analyzed, there is a significant difference in the values. This discrepancy is what I am curious about.

        Finally, I would like to know which method of evaluating the y+ value is generally considered standard.

        Thanks :)

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Did you plot with node values on or off? The former will show some smoothing of the values, the latter the actual node (facet in this case) value. 

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