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XFEM crack propagation for elastoplastic materials

    • sin38


      Can XFEM-Based Crack-Growth Simulation be used on elastoplastic or nonlinear materials?

      I already tried SMART, and I know it's not possible with that.

    • David Weed
      Ansys Employee


      XFEM only supports usage of linear elastic materials. In terms of plasticity effects during crack growth, you may want to consider whether a crack-closure function fits your application. For this, in the MAPDL Fracture Analysis Guide, see the following section: 

      3.1. Understanding Crack-Initiation and -Growth Mechanics --> Crack-Closure Functions

    • sin38

      Thanks for the response

      I'm trying to simulate static crack growth of elastoplastic materials, so I don't think crack-closure functions can help. Is there any other way to do this?

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