We have an exciting announcement about badges coming in May 2025. Until then, we will temporarily stop issuing new badges for course completions and certifications. However, all completions will be recorded and fulfilled after May 2025.
Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products.

Workbench window error

    • Lukas Bruggeman

      Hi, i have been using ACP lateley and now all of a sudden I have this error. I think I have to edit something in the code or something. I have tried downloading and re-installing it but that also doesn't work. I hope you guys can help me fix this!

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      Can you try doing an APPDATA reset? Try the following steps:

      1. Close all the open Ansys programs.
      2. Go to Start -> Run
      3. Type %APPDATA%  
      4. Open Ansys folder
      5. Rename the existing Ansys version from vXXX to vXXX_old.
      6. Launch Ansys, the settings would have been reset now.


      Ashish Khemka

    • Lukas Bruggeman

      Yes that worked!

      Thank you very much.


      Kind regards,

      Lukas Bruggeman

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator

      Thanks, Lukas, for the update.


      Ashish Khemka

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