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Workbench 2021 R1 takes 2 minutes to load

    • ehilgend

      When launching Workbench after the splash screen disappears and workbench launches, it is unresponsive for 2 minutes before loading all the add ins and be able to use anything. Until then it is completely unresponsive to anything.

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee
      Bello If you browse to" %TEMP%\.ansys, you should see licdebug files.
      (Where # # # is the hostname of the machine)
      Check these files for delays or error messages.
      Please post the contents of the above files as we are not permitted to open files.

    • ehilgend
      There are no errors in these files at all, everything looks normal
    • ehilgend
      I do need to add that this is a citrix virtual desktop if that helps
    • ehilgend
      Going thru Proc mon it looks like a bulk of the wait is loading session data. There's hundreds of instances where it tries to open registry key HKCU\Software\Citrix\SessionSfr\4 which it does not find and after this it opens and queries many system files and that's what looks like is going on the entire 2 min hang up period. Here is the procmon

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