

Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

Wing meshing

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    • Bakhtiyar


      I am trying to mesh a domain filled with air from which a wing was substracted. The capture curvature option is on. The mesh at the middle of the leading edge is ok, but coarse near the root and tip edges. I don't understand why.

    • peteroznewman
      nYou can add a sizing control to the faces of the wing.n
    • Bakhtiyar
      nThat's what face sizings gave me. Anyways, I used body of influence, which worked well n
    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee
      Yes, BOI would work. nThe best way is to split the face and create leading edge in geometry. Then you will get better control on mesh at the leading edge. nRegards,nKeyurnGuidelines for Posting on Ansys Learning ForumnHow to access ANSYS help linksnn
    • Bakhtiyar
      nThank you for your answern
    • Keyur Kanade
      Ansys Employee
      Can you please mark this as answer to help others on the forum. n
    • Bakhtiyar
      nI can't find any button to mark itn
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