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Why The streamline passes through the wall?

    • csZY


           when iincrease the steps from 100 to 1000,The streamline passes through the wall.What's wrong with it? This is jet impingement,the inlet is on left,and the outlet is on the top.And is axisymmetry model.

       than you.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      It got bored and escaped....   Graphics glitch by the looks of it. 

    • DrAmine
      Ansys Employee

      Oops.. a glitch probably.

    • csZY

      Thank you,sir.

      So what  should I do to resolve it.

    • DrAmine
      Ansys Employee

      First of all: why do you require to increase the steps? Are any particles lost?

      Anyway: you can try injecting explicelty massless particles instead of using streamlines which will result in the same thing but it will use some other treatments. Try it!

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