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General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Why max and mini values are the same?

    • jdidd1

      Why are the maximum and minimum values are the same? When I want to see the temperature result at any vertex. I also included the time.


    • Govindan Nagappan
      Ansys Employee

      At a vertex, you have only one value for temperature at selected time. So same value is used for max and min display


      If you plot result on a surface or an edge, then you have results from all nodes on the surface/edge. So, there is possibility that the temperature could be different on different nodes and so you will have a different max and min values

      • jdidd1

        This is the result it showing is there any other possibilites

    • jdidd1

      Thank you for your reply

      Yes, I understand, the surface and edge are showing the result. But I want it at a random node, is there any other way to solve this I mean to get the maxi and mini values?

      I also included the time for the 25mins it should show the maxi and mini values because of the transient analysis 


    • jdidd1

    • Govindan Nagappan
      Ansys Employee

      Try using result set. check-  maximum over time and minimum over time




    • Govindan Nagappan
      Ansys Employee

      Insert a probe on the vertex. RIght click on solution and insert Probe - temperature

      • jdidd1

        I can see only the temperature value. Thanks for the maxi and mini value over time it worked, But how can I see the graph?  

    • jdidd1

      I can see only the temperature

    • Govindan Nagappan
      Ansys Employee

      you get the graph when you plot result at the vertex. You image shows result on bodies

      • jdidd1

        It shows only the average temperature, but not the max and min lines in the graph as you can see in the image or am I missing something?


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