LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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Which beam element for large deformation (Hughes-Liu vs Belytschko-Schwer)

    • mmia1


      I am planning to use beam element to model my pipes which will experience large deformation. Does anyone know which beam element  Hughes-Liu vs Belytschko-Schwer available in LSDyna will be good for large deformation analysis?

    • Jim Day
      Ansys Employee

      I think it’s safe to assume that nonlinear material behavior accompanies the large deformation in your application. H-L beams are integrated beams; B-S beams are resultant beams. I would recommend Hughes-Liu beams for a number of reasons, including being able to specify the cross-section shape and number/location of cross-section integration points and also having access to a wider variety of nonlinear material models.

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