Embedded Software

Embedded Software

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What is the production rule for “depend_expr” in SCADE EBNF?


    • fdtsaid
      During studying Scade EBNF definition, there is a snippet like the following
      expr ::
        | depend_expr

      But the production rule for "depend_expr" can not be found in the grammar. What is the production for "depend_expr"? Or is "depend_expr" deprecated?
    • Benjamin Descorps
      Ansys Employee


      The correct description of the expr snippet is:

      depend_expr no longer exists.


    • fdtsaid


      Hi Benjamin, thank you for your explanation. By the way, is the reference contains latest EBNF formal definition of SCADE language an inner document? Or will the "scade language reference" be updated in future release of SCADE Sutie?


    • Benjamin Descorps
      Ansys Employee


      The SCADE Reference Manual integrated in current SCADE version will be updated in the next version.


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