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what axis suitable for multi structure?

    • nhanani4


      My resarch is about get the horizontal force connector for multi-module floating structure.

      The point I draw start at first module and axis at first module.

      It necesary the x-axis at the middle arrangement?

      it is effect the surge, heave motion of floating structure?

      because i get 6dof motion actual response so higher from other paper that i refer.

      this axis effect this below?



    • saheed.yusuf


      My research is similar to yours but I am having some issues with my model. Can you help me please 

    • Shuangxing Du
      Ansys Employee

      The requirements of the global coordinate system used by Aqwa are

      (1)   its origin is on the mean water level.

      (2)   the z-axis points upwards.


    • nhanani4
      1. so the origin i put in the first module and my paper refer the origin at the middle module that do not effect the surge, heave ,etc result?
      2. it is correct way i want to find the heave result (structure position > actual response > global z)? or heave result is from (structure position > RAO based  response > global z):?
      3. it correct if heave get the -4.9 m get negative? my height hexagon is 20m.
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