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Water surface at a specific location

    • Seyyed Mahmoud Mousavi

      Dear community,

      I am simulating water wave propagation in a 2D open channel. Now, I need to plot the water surface over time at a specific location. Please please be patient and tell me step by step what i need to do? I have searched a lot around (depth, ....), but I am yet confused, I don't yet understand how to do it. If i knew, i wouldn't ask. I just learned I need to create a line, the iso clip? or isosurface? But yet I couldn't understand how I can get the water surface at a line over time? I can provide more detail.


      Thank you!

    • SRP
      Ansys Employee


      Try to create the line/rake at the location. You can create surface monitor with field variable phase - volume fraction for the create line. This will helps you to monitor the water at the paticular location on the basis of volume fraction

    • Seyyed Mahmoud Mousavi

      Also, this thread helped me to solve the issue.


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