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VOF-Lagrangian Hybrid Spray Modelling validation cases

    • neelshah0034
      To whom it may concern,nIn the webinar of VOF-Lagrangian hybrid spray modelling by Mr.Muhammad Sami, there were some results shown from a jet in a cross-flow simulation. He mentioned that the validation case are available only upon request. May I know were can I find those validation cases. If it is are not available, I am looking to find out more information regarding meshing and boundary condition used to obtain the shown results. I am trying to replicate the simulation for better understanding. Specifically, I am more interested towards the turbulence model used, the inlet velocity profile and the size of the domain (SMD). nWaiting for your prompt replynThanks youn
    • DrAmine
      Ansys Employee
      Get an access to the learning Hub and you will find a recent workshop dealing with LJCF where we are comparing the SMD to experimental values at some planes.n
    • neelshah0034
      Thank you Sir for sharing the information.nCould you please provide me the link from where can I get access to learning hub?nThank younNeel Shahn
    • DrAmine
      Ansys Employee
    • neelshah0034
      Thank you Sir,nnHowever, as a student I won't be able to invest such a huge amount. nI would request you to please let me know, if their is any other way to get some information for the same.nEmail Id:- neelshah0034@gmail.com|shahn3@my.erau.edunnThank younNeel Shahn
    • DrAmine
      Ansys Employee
      Here a video we created last year: https://youtu.be/S0MUu2svgQ8n
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