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VOF-DPM transition physics

    • sjohn

      I am trying to model atomization thru a pressure swirl atomizer starting with the VOF physics and once successful would like to introduce VOF-DPM transtion as quickly described in this brief video on the Ansys YouTube channel. The outlined procedure uses an explicit solver for the VOF physics. My model performs better in terms of convergence with the implicit solver for the VOF physics. Is there any reason, I should not use the implicit VOF physics model to add the VOF-DPM tranistion?

      The video reference above is overy 5 years old and thus uses an older version of Fluent than what I am using. Does Ansys have a new instruction video suitable for a more recent version of Fluent?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I doubt there's a new video, otherwise it'd be linked in the Help system. Implicit/Explicit gives you more options re accuracy and speed, so the choice may only impact the mass conservation and accuracy relative to required mesh resolution and time step. 

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