Embedded Software

Embedded Software

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Video as texture in the back of the display design.

    • yair.oros


      I am designing a HUD in SCADE Display to process information of a flight like, I use gyroscopes, GPS time and other things, but the HUD should have the real video to compare the information of the HUD with the airplane behavior.

      I tried to put it as texture but it only allows images, but I don't know how can I use a video. Could you help me? 

      The image just have an image from internet and the last design of the HUD. 

    • Romain Andrieux
      Ansys Employee




      There is no direct support to stream a video through a texture, however it is possible, with a small amount of manual code to copy video frame into the texture buffer during each cycle (using the function sglTexImage2Dubv).

      You can find an example using openCV to stream either an image or webcam here:


      Best Regards



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