General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Vibration simulation analysis for chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) process

    • m113020070

      你好。對 CMP 製程進行振動模擬分析所固有的複雜性詳細闡述如下。不真實的接觸行為:在不考慮振動的CMP製程模擬中,當施加2N的向下力時,模擬結果顯示砂輪和工件之間存在明顯的彈跳,導致局部應力過低。 >2。應用振動載荷:如何在瞬態模擬中將振動載荷施加到支撐架的主軸,以更準確地模擬 CMP 過程中的振動影響?>

    • mohan.urs
      Ansys Employee


      Check out his video . The entire setup might not be useful but it describes how to use vibrational loads in transient analysis. 
      Do explain what type of vibrational loads are acting in the CMP process as forum users might not be familiar with such processess. 

      Mohan Urs

    • m113020070

      Hello, thank you very much for your reply.

      I would like to apply a vibrational load to the main spindle of a wafer rotation system. There is a grinding wheel on the spindle that contacts the wafer surface with a downward force of 2N. I hope to obtain the stress changes in the wafer.

      Thank you for your assistance.

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