General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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vibration and eigenmodes

    • Anthony Irvine

      i have done a modal analysis and discovered the eigenmodes but now I want to set up some sort of forced vibration so that I can vibrate my structure at a natural frequency and have it react with the correct mode shapes however I need to be able to couple this system with another in fluent to see how the entire system behaves. I've tried a coupled system using transient structural but the mode shape is not correct I'm also not sure if I have set the vibration properly in transient as it just used an acceleration with a function to make the acceleration sinusoidal. how should I go about this? any help is appreciated 

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee



      Can you explain more what you are trying to simulate - also provide some images of the set up?

      Thank you


    • Anthony Irvine

      I want to simulate a pipe which is vibrating at a natural frequency which then has water going through it and then I want to see how the natural frequency and therefore the vibratory motion of the pipe affects the rate of flow and other similar parameters.


    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      So why would the vibration infleunce the flow in the pipe at least the flow rate?

      Are you tryng to model a Coriolis Flow meter?

      All the best


    • Anthony Irvine

      With certain geometry and eigenmodes, the vibrations can cause a pump like effect, which would hopefully increase flow rate or pressure and I would like to try to simulate this so I can improve my geometry.

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