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Velocity Profile changes its mass flow rate from outlet to .prof

    • Nathan Blackmore-Wells


      A tiny bit of context: I'm running an open channel 2D Fluent simulation to try to find an outlet velocity profile to use as an inlet in a different case.

      My inlet for the first case is a mass flow inlet of water, with a surface height 1m in a 2m channel with a small slope (0.0005). I want it to run such that there are no surface waves (Fr<1). I have this figured out and choose to run a mass flow inlet of 2100kg/s and get a flat, wave-free channel with a mass flow at outlet of almost, 2100kg/s. Happy days. So i export the velocity profile.

      I then want to reuse this velocity profile in the same geometry with a pressure inlet specified by free surface height and velocity magnitude. When i put this v-prof into the v-mag box the mass flow i got is only around 1700kg/s and seems to change as the solution converges.

      i need this mass flow rate to remain constant to control the simulation and avoid surface waves.

      a) Why is the mass flow not constant if i have a profile for velocity and a set height that doesnt change between the two cases? Have i not set both the U and the A (=h) of the inlet (Q=UA)?

      b) Why does this change during convergence?


      I'd hugely appreciate any help or suggestions for alternate ways i can do this



    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If you're using the open channel the downstream flow will alter the inlet mass flow. How does the free surface look? Is there a hydraulic jump?  I know why profiles are used, but it's sometimes better to just accept the compute overhead and model the whole lot in one go. 

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