March 8, 2022 at 8:20 pmjnelsen33Subscriber
I am modeling the effects of wind on a home during a hurricane. There is some debate about how to find the coefficient of pressure. Should both the X and Y vector be used for finding value, or only the X vector? Can you please explain why.
Thank you
March 9, 2022 at 1:33 pmKarthik RemellaAdministratorHello:
If I understand your problem, you should be using all the force vectors to estimate the pressure coefficient. This is because you are trying to understand the overall pressure experienced by the house which is given by the combination of all the force components.
I hope this helps.
March 9, 2022 at 4:52 pmjnelsen33SubscriberThank you!
March 9, 2022 at 5:31 pmjnelsen33SubscriberThank you for the response!
Since pressure acts in all directions, and pressure coefficient is the ratio of pressure forces to inertial forces, what you said would hold true regardless of what we are testing, right? To calculate the pressure coefficient for the roof, we would simply select the roof and choose all vectors and let Fluent calculate it, is this correct?
The question I posed was in reference to us testing roofs with pitch angles that range from 20 degree pitch to 35 degree at 130 mph for pressure coefficient. We are doing much more than just that, but the Fluent results we have now for the coeff of pressure for just the roofs using only the X vector are all approx 0.014...I thought that was far too low and didn't think it was even telling us anything useful since it's only in that vector.
Thank you for your time.
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