July 5, 2023 at 4:18 pmMaralllSubscriber
Any help would be appreciated on how to apply geometry dependent young modulus in ansys workbench R22?
July 5, 2023 at 4:37 pmNanda VerallaAnsys Employee
Hello Marall,
Can you share more details on what you're trying to accomplish. Are you referring to change in young's modulus along the length of the geometry? A material of that kind is not possible in reality. However, you can make the same material behave differently by changing it's stiffness.Â
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July 5, 2023 at 4:52 pmMaralllSubscriber
Thank you for your reply and the links provided.
I am trying to simulate a biological tissue which is assumed as a semi-hemisphere (3D) with a thin thickness which is under internal pressure. Since the real material is composed of many fibers throughout the thickness, the uniaxial tension test results in the lab have shown that the stiffness of the tissue changes in radial direction through the tissue. (Actually the fibers near the outer part are more interweaving leading to the higher stiffness)
I already have a graph of young modulud and also shear modulus vs the radial position and I would like to apply them in my model.Â
I would apprecaite any help.
July 5, 2023 at 5:04 pmNanda VerallaAnsys Employee
Hello Marall,
This following help document talks about defining young's modulus as a function of global X,Y coordinates. Section 8.1.2 might be of help:
8.1. Predefined Field Variables (ansys.com)
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