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Using layer builder to add sidewall angle to a polygon

    • berkay.neseli


      I have designed a structure using topology optimization and then extracted it as GDS file. I want to add sidewall angle to it so I used the layer builder, but I got the following errors for different setups 

      1)"Unable to create Planar Solid from polygon. Failed to match upper and lower facets. Layer 'poly_layer' was not fully generated." 

      2) "Unable to create Planar Solid from polygon. Check if your sidewall angles are too small, or if your pattern growth delta would result in an invalid shape.. Layer 'poly_layer' was not fully generated."

      Is it possible to add sidewall angles to topology optimization-generated structures? Or their random geometry doesn't allow it? How can I overcome these errors?

      Thank you.

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      Planar Solid is composed of planar sufraces. For the topological design results, the sides might be too rough which will need too many planar surfaces. You may need to increase the min size from the first optimization result and see the resuling structure is improved.


    • berkay.neseli

      Thank you for the reply. Is there any other way to apply sidewalls to such structures instead of using layer builder?

    • Guilin Sun
      Ansys Employee

      For imported structures, right now it is only from the laye rbuilder. What you might try is: import the structure layer by layer, with a little shrinked size (scale) to mimic the side wall angle.

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