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User Values of DPM model equal zero

    • rachelda9


      Recently I downloaded the student version of Fluent 2024R2. I have simulations that worked perfectly in my previous 2022R2 student version, but now I get different results, even though I changed nothing and only opened the case in the new version.

      After further inspection, I noticed that when I go to Results->Particle Tracks and try displaying User Values that I define in my DPM model, all show zeros. Also, the Residual of O2 for example, jumps suddenly to 2e1 (after running the DPM).

      My simulations solve a continues flow and runs a DPM simulation each 25 iterations. I use UDFs to update the scalars, define sources and define my particle law.

      The number of scalars is defined correctly, all my functions are compiled with no errors and I used massages throughout my code to make sure the UDFs are running and the values are indeed not zero (for example, if I print P_USER(p,7), I get the correct number).

      What could possibly be the problem? I cannot run the simulation in the previous version due to the license expiration. Is there something new I need to define in the new version that wasn’t previously required?


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