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User-defined hyperelastic material model for workbench structural simulation

    • yu272

      Hi all,

      I am simulating an anisotropic hyperelastic material using AHYPER exponential model, and implementing APDL commands in workbench simulation. The AHYPER constant is obtained by fitting experimental data. However, I cannot fit compression data well which causes the material model to be stiffer than expected. 

      Is there any method for workbench simulation to is to apply multiple material models for one object? such as AHYPER for tension and another softer material model for compression by using APDL command? 




    • SSURA
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Eric,

      Please check the following link to explore different nonlinear material models offered by Ansys -  https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/Views/Secured/corp/v232/en/ans_str/Hlp_G_STR8_3.html

      Considering the complexity of the material model, you might achieve this by running separate simulations for tension and compression, each with its material model, and then combining the results.

      Please check the following references for more insights - 

      Hope this helps!



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    • yu272

      Hi Sahil,

      Thank you for the information! To be more specific on my question, I will need this material model to do FSI simulation, and the solid will need both proper tension and compression. Therefore, it would be good if we could use some APDL command to control if the strain is negative, it can use a different model. Is this possible?



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