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User Defined Function for erosion modelling

    • sooriaprakash.kamaraj
      I am writing for erosion modelling using UDF.  My erosion rate is a function of DPM concentration and Velocitiy magnitude. For DPM concentration, I saw the macro C_DPMS_CONCENTRATION(c,tf) and for velocity, I can use sqrt(F_U(f,tf)*F_U(f,tf) + F_V(f,tf)*F_V(f,tf)+ F_W(f,tf)*F_W(f,tf)).
      My doubt is about how can I use these two variables with the help of loop cammand in UDF to find erosion rate since velocity macro is for face and DPM concentration macro is defined for cell. Can anyone help me in the syntax of it?
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Have a look at the accretion example,   https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/Secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v242/en/flu_udf/flu_udf_DPMDEFINE.html%23flu_udf_sec_define_dpm_erosion   Impact effect is a function of speed, impact angle, material properties and impact facet area. Cell concentration isn't overly useful, as a particle in the near wall cell may not always hit the wall. 

      Note, as you're likely using facet area over surface/zone area you may want to exercise caution regarding cell size uniformity and parcel count.  

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