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unknonw error occured .. plz help me

    • Kim Sang Hoon

      I conflicted a error message, which is " The step data was checked and warning messages were found.              
        Please review output or errors file (                                  
       41B7\file0.err ) for these warning messages. "

      then, I saw Solver Output and I could see the three messages such as below.

      1) " The model data was checked and warning messages were found.             
        Please review output or errors file (                                  
       41B7\file0.err ) for these warning messages.    "


      2) "The step data was checked and warning messages were found.              
        Please review output or errors file (                                  
       41B7\file0.err ) for these warning messages.  "


      3) "ERROR: Worker process(es) with rank(s) 1 have encountered a FATAL error.
       The information below was gathered from the file*.out output file(s).
       Please review the worker process output file(s) listed below for more
       details on this error."


      I think these errors are related to the path of files. So I made a new folder, new model, new workbench.

      But well.. It was same. So what do you recommend? What should I do? Can you help me, sir?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      What software is failing? Have you looked in the error files, what do they tell you?

    • Kim Sang Hoon

      I used 'steady-state thermal' in Ansys Workbench. 

      I tried to find the files but I couldn't. The files were not found. I found the similar files, but the files were empty.....

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      OK, so one for the Mech users. 

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator

      Hello Kim,

      Can you check the exact error from the .err and .out file?


      Ashish Khemka

      • Kim Sang Hoon

        Hello Khemka, Oh I found that. I've searched .err and .out, then finally I could find the files. Thanks! So what should I do from now on?

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Kim,


      Can you please open those files in notepad and share the snapshots of error message you see?



      Ashish Khemka

      • Kim Sang Hoon

        Hi, Thanks for your help.

        I opend the .err files and I found the messeage such as

         : "

        /COM,ANSYS RELEASE 2024 R1           BUILD 24.1      UP20231106       12:00:31

         *** WARNING ***                         CP =     217.641   TIME= 12:02:55
         Element shape checking is currently inactive.  Issue SHPP,ON or         
         SHPP,WARN to reactivate, if desired.                                    

         *** WARNING ***                         CP =     349.125   TIME= 12:03:55
         Material number 160 (used by element 25617130) should normally have at  
         least one MP or one TB type command associated with it.  Output of      
         energy by material may not be available.                                "


        And I opend the .out files and I found a lot of message such as

        :  "

         *** NOTE ***                            CP =    1192.281   TIME= 12:16:46
         Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real        
         constant set 158 and contact element type 158 has been set up.  The     
         companion pair has real constant set ID 159.  Both pairs should have    
         the same behavior.                                                      
         MAPDL will keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair,     
         resulting in asymmetric contact.                                        
         Pure thermal contact is activated.
         The emissivity is defined through the material property.
         Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and
          heat flux are defined using the SFE command.
         Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation
          for near field contact.
         Small sliding logic is assumed
         Contact detection at: Gauss integration point
         Average contact surface length                1.0670    
         Average contact pair depth                   0.76337    
         Average target surface length                 1.6093    
         Default pinball region factor PINB           0.25000    
         The resulting pinball region                 0.19084    
         Initial penetration/gap is excluded.
         Bonded contact (always) is defined.
         Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC         4041.3    
         Heat radiation is excluded.

         *** NOTE ***                            CP =    1192.281   TIME= 12:16:46
         Max.  Initial penetration 5.374761241E-07 was detected between contact  
         element 25540342 and target element 25604619.                           

         *** NOTE ***                            CP =    1192.281   TIME= 12:16:46
         Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real        
         constant set 159 and contact element type 158 has been set up.  The     
         companion pair has real constant set ID 158.  Both pairs should have    
         the same behavior.                                                      
         MAPDL will deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair,     
         resulting in asymmetric contact.                                        
         Pure thermal contact is activated.
         The emissivity is defined through the material property.
         Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and
          heat flux are defined using the SFE command.
         Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation
          for near field contact.
         Small sliding logic is assumed
         Contact detection at: Gauss integration point
         Average contact surface length                1.6160    
         Average contact pair depth                   0.48480    
         Average target surface length                 1.0608    
         Default pinball region factor PINB           0.25000    
         The resulting pinball region                 0.12120    
         Initial penetration/gap is excluded.
         Bonded contact (always) is defined.
         Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC         4041.3    
         Heat radiation is excluded."


        And terminal messages were 

        : "ERROR: Worker process(es) with rank(s) 2, 3 have encountered a FATAL error.
         The information below was gathered from the file*.out output file(s).
         Please review the worker process output file(s) listed below for more
         details on this error.
         Worker Process Output File .\file2.out:
         *** FATAL ***                           CP =     111.094   TIME= 12:19:52
         This model requires more scratch space than available.  The program has 
         currently allocated 12252 MB and was not able to allocate enough        
         additional memory in order to proceed.  Please increase the virtual     
         memory on your system and/or increase the work space memory and rerun   
         the program.  Problem terminated.                                       
         Worker Process Output File .\file3.out:
         *** FATAL ***                           CP =     111.062   TIME= 12:19:52
         This model requires more scratch space than available.  The program has 
         currently allocated 11963 MB and was not able to allocate enough        
         additional memory in order to proceed.  Please increase the virtual     
         memory on your system and/or increase the work space memory and rerun   
         the program.  Problem terminated.  " 


        plz help me, sir..

    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      The error message indicates that the model requires more scratch space. You can try changing the location of temporary files. Please see if the following link helps:

      How to change the location of disk where temporary files are written? - Ansys Knowledge



      Ashish Khemka

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