LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

Units System in LS Dyna

    • p20230481

      When I am making a Geometry in Pre Post, what are the units assumed by the software? mm/ m / inches ?

      And what units are assumed for force and speed etc?

    • Alex R.
      Ansys Employee


      LS-DYNA mandates the use of a consistent set of units i.e., it is up to the users to choose a unit system and be consistent with it. 

      E.g., if a user decides that length is mm, time is a ms, and mass is kg than kN, GPa etc. 

      Please see: Consistent units — Welcome to the LS-DYNA support site

      Thank you,




    • p20230481


      Thank you.

      Could you please suggest me which model I could use to introduce shock wave inside shock tube? Task of this shock wave will be to do forming of sheet metal inside shock tube.

      Remember that this shock wave is not produced by a blast, rather inside a shock tube due to high pressure diffrence between the two chambers of the shock tube.

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