General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

Unable to run and queue jobs in background mode from workbench

    • J.T.

      I'm trying to run mechanical jobs in the background on my local windows machine to start and eventually on a linux cluster. My understanding is that I have 1 general Ansys license and 12 HPC licenses available to use. My assumption is that that 1 HPC license is used per core on a remote/background job. I have tried solving my mechanical job both from workbench and from within mechanical using the Remote Solve Manager in both cases I get a license error and queued job fails. screen shots of the settup are attached




    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee




      *Note: You can not Leave Mechanical open if you just have 1 “ansys” license.
      On the Workbench page, go to Tools->Options->Mechanical

      Verify that Release license for Pending Jobs is set to: “ALWAYS”

      Open Mechanical and Edit the Solve Process settings for My Computer Background
      File->Solve Process Settings.
      Highlight My Computer Background and choose “Advanced”

      Check the following.

      Click OK and then exit all the way out of Mechanical.
      Now try to Update.



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