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Unable to get eye diagram for example Ring modulator

    • Jesuwanth_Sugesh

      Dear Sir/Madam,

      I am working on ring modulators. I can reproduce the same graphs in, but when I use the same parameters to obtain an eye diagram (following the steps in, I am unable to obtain the graphs. I have attached the file I have modified as per the instructions provided. Kindly look into it and please let me know what mistake I have made. Please also mention the steps I should follow to get the eye diagram.

      Thanks a lot in advance.

      Kind Regards,

      Jesuwanth Sugesh,

      VIT University, Chennai.

    • GWANG
      Ansys Employee
      Hi Jesuwanth_Sugesh
      Thank you for the post. Unfortunately we cannot open files here. COudl you please have some details on what the circuit looks like, and what you get as the reuslt and what the problem is. Thank you.
    • Jesuwanth_Sugesh
      Dear Gwang I have removed the ONA and DC bias from the - ring_modulator_active.icp file and added CW laser, Photodetector and inputs.
      Below is the screenshot of the output from the example file:
      Below is the screenshot of the same file with CW Laser in the input port, input to phase shifter and photodetector (PD) on the receiver side. The Laser was set to 1550nm as per the script details provided in the example file.

      Then I changed the laser and PD to 1553.3nm and verified the output:
      I have not changed any other parameter in the ring modulator from the example file. I have attached the interconnect file for your reference.
      Kindly look into it and let me know what corrections have to be done.
      Kind Regards Jesuwanth Sugesh VIT University, Chennai.

    • GWANG
      Ansys Employee
      Hi Jesuwanth_Sugesh
      Sorry that due to the restriction, we cannot open any files attached here. This looks to be a problem that the ring modulator doesn't work well for 1553 nm operating wavelength. COuld you pelase try the same file for 1550 nm for the CWL and confirm that you can see the eye properly? Then if you can see an open eye for 1550 nm operating wavelength, it confirms that the model is not optimized for 1553 nm. You may want ot tune the ring modulator model to make it work better under 1553 nm.
    • Jesuwanth_Sugesh
      Dear Gwang Thanks for looking into it.
      The second screenshot I had provided is the output with the 1550nm operating wavelength. I am not able to obtain an eye as you can see from the analyser output.
      Below is the same screenshot:
      I haven't changed any values from the (The example file that is provided by Lumerical). I have just attached other components from Lumerical element library with changes to operating wavelength and PRBS value). I am just trying to create an eye diagram for that example file. Can you please add the necessary components to ring_modulator_active.icp (available from in order to obtain an eye diagram.
      Please share the eye diagram file (Interconnect) you create.
      Thanks a lot in advance.

      Kind regards Jesuwanth Sugesh,
      VIT University Chennai.
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