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Unable to add System Coupling Region in Transient Structural

    • 210010063

      I am working with a tutorial file for system coupling on an oscillating plate in a fluid-filled cavity: "Oscillating Plate FSI Co-Simulation with Partial Setup Export from Workbench (CFX-Mechanical)". Following the steps mentioned in the tutorial, I should be able to insert a System Coupling region. Still, I am not getting an option for that when I right-click Transient and select Insert, just an option for inserting a python code (I have added a screenshot for the same). Also, I am unsure if the OpenGL > 4.3 error has something to do with the issue or the fact that I can open Transient Structural in a Read-Only Mode. What would be an easy way to resolve this and add a System Coupling Region in Transient Structural.

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee



      It is because of the read only mode.

      See here for some more info on why that is (read only):,it%20is%20a%20licensing%20error.


      All the best



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