LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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UMAT- history variables

    • fatemesafarieng
      Hi, I am trying to use my umat in LS-DYNA. I encountered a problem while using my UMAT in LS-DYNA. My model incorporates a damage parameter crucial for subsequent steps. In each step, I store the damage parameter as an hsv (history variable). However, I've noticed that the value of this hsv at the beginning of a step (e.g., -0.7) is significantly different from what was calculated in the previous step (e.g., 0.03). According to its formulation, it should be positive.
      I am confused as to why this discrepancy happens. Are there any tips about history variables?
      I would greatly appreciate your assistance and guidance in resolving this issue.
      If further information is needed please let me know. 
    • Ushnish Basu
      Ansys Employee

      This is a debugging issue, and unfortunately, we cannot help with that. Please make sure that NHV is set correctly, and you can check the history variables in e.g. urmathn using no_hsvs and hsvs


    • fatemesafarieng

      Thanks for your response. Where can I find this "urmathn" subroutine you mentioned?

    • Ushnish Basu
      Ansys Employee

      dyn21umat.F in recent versions, dyn21.F in older versions

    • fatemesafarieng

      I checked my umat in a single-element model and it works. However, when I employ my umat in a multi-element model, I face the following warning and the model fails to run. Does anybody know what may cause this problem?

    • Ushnish Basu
      Ansys Employee

      It seems the built-in umat41 is being used. This is also a debugging issue, and we are not able to help with that

    • fatemesafarieng

      It seems it is related to the following statement in umat: 

      if (ncycle.eq.1) then
             if (cm(16).ne.1234567) then
              call usermsg('mat41')

      I could not find the definition of "ncycle" parameter. Could you please guide me on what this if condition is associated with?


    • Ushnish Basu
      Ansys Employee

      ncycle is the number of the current timestep, and is available from

      If you wrote yur own code for umat41, you don't have to keep this pice of code. You should put print statements in your own code to see what might be going wrong

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