

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

    • sjohn

      I wrote the following UDF for heteregeneous reactions in a case for multiphase flow. 

      #include "udf.h"
      /* Define constants */
      #define R 1.987
      /* Universal gas constant in cal/(mol*K) */
      #define Pre 1
      /* Pre-exponential factor in m^3/(mol*s) */
      #define EA 5000
      /* Activation energy in cal/mol */
      /* Define phase indices */
      #define liquid_index 3
      /* Index for liquid phase */
      #define gas_index 2
      /* Index for gas phase B */
      /* Heterogeneous reaction rate definition */
      DEFINE_HET_RXN_RATE(sj_reaction_rate, c, t, r, mw, yi, rr, rr_t)
          /* Get the temperature of the liquid phase */
          real T_liquid = C_T(c, t); /* Temperature in K */
          /*Calculate the concentration of A in the liquid phase */
          real A_conc = C_YI(c, t, liquid_index);
          /* Calculate the reaction rate */
          *rr = Pre * exp(-EA / (R * T_liquid)) * A_conc;
          /* Optional: Store additional information if needed */
          C_UDMI(c, t, 0) = Pre; /* Store pre-exponential factor */
          C_UDMI(c, t, 1) = EA; /* Store activation energy */
          C_UDMI(c, t, 2) = R; /* Store gas constant */
          C_UDMI(c, t, 3) = T_liquid; /* Store temperature */

      I am getting the following  warning upon compiling my UDF with the built-in compiler.

       scons: warning: No version of Visual Studio compiler found - C/C++ compilers most likely not set correctly

      File "C:\Users\....\libudf\win64\3ddp_host\SConstruct", line 20, in

      Compiler path: "C:\PROGRA~1\ANSYSI~1\v241\fluent"\ntbin\clang\bin\clang-cl

      Linker   path: "C:\PROGRA~1\ANSYSI~1\v241\fluent"\ntbin\clang\bin\lld-link


      After compiling, I click load and then initialize and run the simulation. Then I get a fatal error:



       Node 1: Process 6996: Received signal SIGSEGV.



       Node 2: Process 27464: Received signal SIGSEGV.


       Node 0: Process 26448: Received signal SIGSEGV.



       Node 3: Process 10824: Received signal SIGSEGV.


       Error in the fluent (fl) process : ended abnormally


      Other than checking the box for Setup Compilation Environment for UDF in Fluent Launcher, do I need to anything else?

    • sjohn

      I also tried not using the built in compiler (after deleting the libudf folder) but get athe following error messages:

      Compiler and linker: Microsoft Visual C++

      # Generating ud_io1.h


      # Generating udf_names.c because of makefile simple_reaction.obj


      # Linking libudf.dll because of makefile user_nt.udf udf_names.obj simple_reaction.obj

      LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'kernel32.lib'

      NMAKE : U1077: 'link -nologo /Libpath:"C:\PROGRA~1\ANSYSI~1\v241\fluent"\fluent24.1.0\win64\3ddp_node /Libpath:"C:\PROGRA~1\ANSYSI~1\v241\fluent"\fluent24.1.0\multiport\win64\mpi\shared /dll /out:libudf.dll udf_names.obj simple_reaction.obj mport.lib fl_mpi2410.lib ' : return code '0x450'





      BSSPF3F1PZG: Opening library "C:\Users\...\libudf"...

      ERROR: The UDF library you are trying to load (libudf) is not compiled for parallel use on the current platform (win64).

      The system cannot find the file specified.






      BSSPF3F1PZG: Opening library "C:\Users\...\libudf"...

      ERROR: The UDF library you are trying to load (libudf) is not compiled for parallel use on the current platform (win64).

      The system cannot find the file specified.




      Error: An error occurred in the previous operation.

       The details can be found in the text output.

      Error Object: #f

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