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two motion set up for one model

    • ctunceroglu

      Hello, I am working on a simulation of an electromagnetic launcher. Can the forces be analyzed for the movement of an aluminum projectile within a coil-based cylindrical launcher, where the forces both move it along the barrel and lift it within the barrel?

    • Miranda Hourihan
      Ansys Employee
      Yes, Maxwell allows complex setups involving multiple motions, you may need to ensure that all moving objects are physically separated from stationary objects and that a Band object encloses the moving parts to separate them from the stationary parts of the geometry.
      • ctunceroglu

        So, for one projectile, can I analyze both how much it rises within the barrel and how much it moves along the barrel at the same time?

      • ctunceroglu

        Because I need to create a second band inside the barrel to see how much it rises, but in that case, the bands will intersect. If I create two half-cylinder bands inside the barrel, I’m not sure if I can perform both the rise and forward movement analysis for a single object.

      • Miranda Hourihan
        Ansys Employee

        no, bands cannot overlap.

        • ctunceroglu

          can I define two motions without overlapping bands for a single solid object?

        • Miranda Hourihan
          Ansys Employee

          Unfortunately, no, each band does one motion, it could be rotation or translation.

        • ctunceroglu

          Thank you for your responses and for being patient with my questions.

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