3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

Tutorial Input Files

    • meano.bleach

      Hello , 

      I am learning simulation of an IC engine using the tutorials. I want to learn all the three types of simulation, i.e Solving a Cold Flow Simulation, Solving a port Flow Simulation and Solving a combustion Simulation. But I require certain input files such as demo_eng.x_t , lift.prof,tut_port.x_t , tut_gdi_comb.x_t ,comb_lift.prof, footprint.txt, massflowrate.csv, and velocity-0.7cd.csv. If anyone has these files please upload them in zip folder or send them to me at meano.bleach@gmail.com.


      Thank you

    • peteroznewman

      Some of the files are attached to this discussion.

    • meano.bleach

       I've got this. Can I please have the rest?

    • raul.raghav

      All the files you had requested are available in this post.

    • meano.bleach

    • Dieuline ADJALLA

      Hi everyone

      I am working on simulation of an IC engine using the tutorials. I want to work on all the three types of simulation, i.e Solving a Cold Flow Simulation, Solving a port Flow Simulation and Solving a combustion Simulation. But I require certain input files such as demo_eng.x_t , lift.prof,tut_port.x_t , tut_gdi_comb.x_t ,comb_lift.prof, footprint.txt, massflowrate.csv, and velocity-0.7cd.csv. If anyone has these files please upload them in zip folder or send them to me at dieulineadjalla@gmail.com

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