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LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

Turning Tool for Degradation

    • anuragk91299
      ArraynHello SirnnI'm currently doing turning Operation on explicit Dynamics as part of my course project and I am facing a bit of difficultiesn1. Instead of my workpiece, the tool is going through cutting operation ( workpiece is Cutting the tool)n2. And after getting the right solution from the processing previews, After a certain point of processing, energy Error is too large pops up... What should be done ?nP.S. I've given a displacement of 5mm for the tool per revolution.nSo instead of giving a spindle.speed to the workpiece I'm using displacement in cylindrical co-ordinates to rotate it once a cycle to attain feed rate in mm/rev.nnPlease do helpnRegardsnAnurag Karulkarn
    • anuragk91299
      Can you help me out please?.
    • peteroznewman
      nChoose a material model that includes a failure criterion for the workpiece. Choose a material model for the tool that does not include a failure criterion. Under Analysis settings, Erosion Control, turn off Strain Limit and turn on Material Failure.nFixing the materials might make this error go away.n5 mm per tool revolution sounds like a very large distance. How did you come up with that number?n
    • anuragk91299
      the project is about optimizing cutting parameters so we are considering the values from the lathe operators manual for turning operation. and further going to use the values in Taguchi Method.nnCan we continue this over mail since i have a few more doubts regarding the same.n
    • peteroznewman
      nIf you are cutting a screw thread with a 5 mm pitch, then 5 mm per revolution would be okay, but for turning a cylindrical surface, it sounds like a very large number.nI can address your doubts here, no need for email.n
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