LS Dyna

LS Dyna

Topics related to LS-DYNA, Autodyn, Explicit STR and more.

Triple pendulum isolator


    • amir.mb1377


      in the ls dyna software for mat197, in the previous relationships, up to behavior V was considered, but in the new versions, behavior VI and VII have been added. I need the type of formula used in this type of material. Can you send me the used formulas?

    • Jim Day
      Ansys Employee
      You've contacted the MAT_197 developer and were told, in the context of this specific request, " “The algorithms and formulae in LS-DYNA are the intellectual property of Ansys inc. Apart from the contents of published papers, other information cannot be shared.”
    • amir.mb1377

      Hello. To upgrade the material code. How did he act? For example, it is in linear mode in the software. And I have to consider nonlinearity ?

    • Jim Day
      Ansys Employee
      Question is unclear. But regardless, in consideration of my previous reply, please have your Ansys distributor contact the developer should you wish to pursue this. Do not contact the developer directly.
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