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General Mechanical

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Transient Thermal Simulation with two Simultaneous heat source.

    • geetdeokate
      I am trying to simulate weld , to identify the HAZ. In my simulation I want to start two moving Heat Heat flux at the same time. I am using the Moving Heat Source (ACT). But  in It only one heat source gets completed. the other doesnt start.

      Can anyone help with it? Or is it possible by APDL?

      The image is shown above with 3 plates being welded, two red lines show the direction of 2 heat sources req. to start and complete at same time. but only one heat source gets completed, the other wont start.
    • Sampat Kumar
      Ansys Employee

      What does it mean it doesn’t start? Are you able to see only one moving heat source along the specified path? Are you getting any warnings or errors while running the simulation? 
      Can you check if the starting times of the second moving heat source is the same? 

      Best Regards,


    • Sampat Kumar
      Ansys Employee

      You can check if you have put "index 2" in the Moving heat source definition or not. 

      Let me know if this helps you or not. 

      Best Regards,

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