General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Transient Analysis – Structural damping and Critical Damping

    • chema.pinero.vilela


      In other softwares I am able to define Structural Damping for a Steel Material which I usually use 0.05 and a Critical Damping of 2-5%.

      I understand that Damping Ratio is Critical Damping (I have put 5%, so 0.05).

      Numerical Damping value of 0.005 is the Structural Damping?

      Someone could confirm this?

      Thank you in advance.

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee



      As it says it is numerical damping:

      Seacrh for numerical damping in the help manual (Mechanical section in help).


      We also have free courses describing how to use damping in ANsys.


      Also the help manual has a lot of info on that.

      All the best



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