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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Transfer from Discovery to Fluent

    • todd.moser

      I've done all of my geometry cleanup in Discovery Model. I then set my material, boundary conditions and a rotating fluid zone in Discovery Explore. I got some believable results in explore but I would now like to tranfer the model into Fluent. If I try to transfer into Fluent from the Explore or Refine mode of Discovery, the program seems to be working on the transfer but never finishes the process. If I do the transfer to Fluent from the Model mode of Discovery and select the Watertight Geometry Workflow, Fluent will start right away. 

      Could anyone offer some insight as to why the transfer won't work from explore or refine modes? Is this an intallation or licensing problem, or just a setting?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Having had it checked here the transfer process takes several minutes with an example case so you may just need to leave it longer. Depending on the model size that could be a lot longer. I typically go geometry>Fluent Meshing>Solver but that's also because most of the physics I'm looking at isn't (yet) in Discovery. 

    • todd.moser

      Well, patience isn’t one of my strengths, so maybe I just didn’t wait long enough.

      I found this tutorial for meshing a mixing tank (/courses/index.php/courses/workshops/lessons/mixing-tank-2/). It was helpfull, but I haven’t found anything for the solution of the same tank. It’s a little unclear to me how to set up the fluid zone rotation, when to use mesh rotation and when mesh interfaces are needed. Any suggestions for the solution side?

      I have a calculation running now and it appears to be converging but a little more training material would be helpful.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      No comment, I have a limit of sarcastic comments for the week so tend to save them for the truly deserving...... We also thought it had failed and the test model transferred some time after we'd started checking the bug reports. 

      That's a meshing tutorial, fluid rotation is in cell zones in Fluent. Have a look at the two VAWT tutorials in /courses/index.php/fluids/  as they'll cover the fluid rotation set up. In terms of when to use frame or mesh motion, it depends on whether the moving part has any transient effect on the surrounding zone. So, in a mixing tank with no baffles the frame motion is fine, but if the impellor blades pass fairly close to the baffles you may need mesh motion. The former has an interior surface between the cell zones, the latter an interface pair. 

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