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Tracer amount keeps on increasing in the tundish during RTD calcuation for two phase flow

    • Abhinav_Maurya

      Steps being followed:

      (Before tracer injection)

      1. Setup: realizable K-e, standard wall functions; Multiphase - VOF; Species transport: OFF

      2. Side Inlet: Air (Vol. frac 0); Top Inlet: Water (Vol. frac 1)

      Ran the simulation in steady state, obtained converged solution post 20000 iterations.

      (During tracer injection) - Switched to Transient simulation

      1. Setup: realizable K-e, standard wall functions; Multiphase - VOF; Species transport: OFF

      2. Side Inlet: Air (Vol. frac 0); Top Inlet: Water (Vol. frac 1 but tracer mass fraction = 1)

      3. In the solution --> Controls --> Equation, Flow: Off, Volume Fraction: On, Turbulence: On, Tracer: On

      (Post Tracer Injection)

      [Method 1]

      1. Setup: realizable K-e, standard wall functions; Multiphase - VOF; Species transport: OFF

      2. Side Inlet: Air (Vol. frac 0); Top Inlet: Water (Vol. frac 1 but tracer mass fraction = 0)

      3. In the solution --> Controls --> Equation, Flow: On, Volume Fraction: On, Turbulence: On, Tracer: Off

      [Method 2]

      1. Setup: realizable K-e, standard wall functions; Multiphase - VOF; Species transport: OFF

      2. Side Inlet: Air (Vol. frac 0); Top Inlet: Water (Vol. frac 1 but tracer mass fraction = 0)

      3. In the solution --> Controls --> Equation, Flow: On, Volume Fraction: On, Turbulence: On, Tracer: On

      While following Method 1, tracer amount doesn't increase in tundish. However, if method 2 is followed, tracer amount increases.

      P.S: When the simulation was performed using method 2 for the homogeneous phase, the simulation ran smoothly

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      How are you adding a tracer if species is off?
    • Abhinav_Maurya
      Correction: Species transport is on During tracer injection and Post tracer injection
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      What's the difference between Method 1 & 2?
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
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