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Topics related to geometry, meshing, and CAD.

Topology does not match the blade profile

    • Mohsin Bashir

      I have created my the geometry for rotor 37 blade using bladegen using the data from Ref NASA TP-1659, Table III. And then exported that geometry to igs format alongside hub & shroud 2d curves for flowpath generation. Then imported this to blade modeler. Using export point method, i open it in turbogrid then. The problem is when i create the mesh there in turbogrid. The geometry at the hub&shroud does not match with the topology/mesh generated. And the difference is quite significant. Kindly guide me if there is a way to fix this issue.


      here are some pictures. Let me know if you need anything else to investigate this.

    • rfblumen
      Ansys Employee

      If you have defined the geometry in BladeGen, I would use the following approach to generate a TurboGrid mesh from the BladeGen geometry:

      -In BladeGen, go to File->Export->Neutral Data File.  Save the resulting NDF file in the user_files forlde of the WorkBench project

      -Drag out Geometry from the Toolbox in WorkBench and open DesignModeler.  Use the BladeEditor icon "Load NDF" to load the Neutral Data file that was just generated

      -Drag out TurboGrid from the Toolbox in WorkBench and attach it to the Geometry cell that was just created.  Generate the mesh in TurboGrid

      This is the most accurate approach. 

      • Mohsin Bashir

        Tried your approach but the results are much worse as you can see in the above pictures...

        The reason why i export the geomtery from bladegen to igs is becuase i have to parameterize the geometry in CATIA. But the problem is the mesh is not accurate even for the geometry exported from bladegen as igs using export points method.

        The workflow i want to achieve is: Bladegen-->igs --CATIA--Parameterization-->igs --(import)-->design modeler --(use export points method)-->turbogrid

        But mesh does not fit even for following cases:

        1. bladegen-->igs--(import)-->design modeler --(use export points method)-->turbogrid
        2. bladegen-->turbogrid
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