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Tons of errors from server log file and license file, since passage to web porta

    • Sébastien Labbé

      So with the license we generated from the web portal, we get tons of errors for features.

      Here is an excerpt from the server’s log file:

      13:22:03 (ansyslmd) CVD License file has been Tampered.So no.of license Restricted to Original count
      13:22:03 (ansyslmd) Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code)
      13:22:03 (ansyslmd) ==>INCREMENT 1spacdes ansyslmd 2025.0228 permanent 500 A6178375EB39 \
      VENDOR_STRING="customer:00240666 tp:a" SUPERSEDE \
      user_info=academic ISSUER=SIEBEL ISSUED=06-mar-2024 \
      START=01-mar-2014 SIGN="002C 4120 449E DF73 C76D C2B5 488A \
      9600 1CCA 686F 2811 966D 5B1C F73F BA25" SIGN2="00C6 6625 6597 \
      2DAD 39A0 5EF5 4058 1E00 091B 65AA 0E5B 6FE3 1323 B08C AB32"
      13:22:03 (ansyslmd) Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code)
      13:22:03 (ansyslmd) ==>INCREMENT a_jt_reader ansyslmd 2025.0228 permanent 500 9734B668C758 \
      VENDOR_STRING="customer:00240666 tp:a" SUPERSEDE \
      user_info=academic ISSUER=SIEBEL ISSUED=06-mar-2024 \
      START=01-mar-2014 SIGN="005A 86A6 8E30 5123 A17E 522A F874 \
      5000 E619 EBF0 5913 3547 0921 032F 1E1C" SIGN2="0030 B728 B30C \
      5431 29CE FCDF AA70 CA00 D249 5A49 9201 F216 3E2C 26E1 00C6"
      13:22:03 (ansyslmd) Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code)
    • Sébastien Labbé

      We had the idea of regenerating the ansyslmd file and push it on the server. It seems to work since then, without giving the errors above. Would you please confirm that the error could be due to a bad ansyslmd file?

    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee


      Yes, the error:
      Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code)
      Usually means that the license file: ansyslmd.lic is in the wrong format or has
      incorrect information in it. (bad hcaracters..etc)
      Happy re-issuing the license fixed the issue!

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