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To model an elliptical gaussian laser in sequential mode

    • sagar

      I am currently working on modeling a green laser diode (LD) with an elliptical beam profile, featuring beam divergences of 7 degrees along the Y-axis and 23 degrees along the X-axis. However, I have been unable to accurately replicate the beam characteristics in sequential mode so far.

      For reference, you can find additional information about the laser here.

      I would greatly appreciate any suggestions, guidance, or best practices for modeling this type of light source effectively in sequential mode.

      Thank you for your time and support.

      Best Regards,

    • Niki Papachristou
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Subscriber,

      Thank you for reaching out to us! We have multiple Knowledge base articles online that you can get detailed information on how to model a laser beam: Laser & Fibers

      As a starting point I would suggest to go through this one first: How to model laser beam propagation in OpticStudio: Part 1 - Gaussian beam theory and ray-based approach

      I hope that was helpful, let me know if I can be of further assistance.

      Kind Regards,


    • sagar

      Dear Niki,

      Thank you for the resource; what I have done now is that I have created an elliptical aperture stop at 0.85 mm from the starting position (distance from the emitting point to the front surface of the laser), where I calculated the X (23 degrees divergence) and Y (7 degrees divergence) length based on the divergence of the beam at this plane, which is equal to 0.36 mm and 0.10 mm, respectively. [for this laser]

      Once this is done, I also added a vignetting factor VCY of 0.597 to create an elliptical profile [I dont exactly know how to give this value accurately].

      Is this the way to model your laser diode? or is there a better and more accurate way to do so?

      If you have any supporting zemax file that you have modelled for any laser in sequential mode, that would very much help me to model them and use them for further development.

      Kindly let me know anything at your convenience.

      Thank you for your time and consideration.

      Best Regards,
    • Niki Papachristou
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Subscriber,

      Thank you for coming back! I think creating a representative (to your laser diode) elliptical aperture is a good way forward for sequential mode.

      Unfortunately, I can't attach a file here, but I can direct to one of our sample files (diode laser simulation) within your ZOS installation files. You can find its location under the Sample files\Sequential\Miscalleneous:

      I know that you mentioned that you are interested on sequential mode only, but it might be worth exploring the non-sequential sample folder as well. Under sources files you will be able to open a diode sample as well.

      I hope that was helpful.

      Kind Regards,




    • sagar

      Dear Niki,

      Thank you for your insight—I’ll definitely look into it further.

      I have a ray file available, which I use as my source in non-sequential mode. The primary objective was to model the same laser diode extensively to study misalignment effects, which I felt could be better addressed in sequential mode.

      That said, I believe I was able to model the source by creating it at 0.85 mm and assigning an EPD of 0.721 [divergence value for 23 degrees] and a VCY of 0.71 [1-ratio of divergence]. This configuration almost achieved the irradiance profile I was aiming for.

      I’ll take a closer look at the laser diode for a more comprehensive understanding.

      Thank you again for the quick resolution, Niki—it’s much appreciated.

      Best regards,

    • Niki Papachristou
      Ansys Employee

      Of course! Happy I was able to help here!


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