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To model an elliptical gaussian laser in sequential mode

    • Anonymous 1996

      I am currently working on modeling a green laser diode (LD) with an elliptical beam profile, featuring beam divergences of 7 degrees along the Y-axis and 23 degrees along the X-axis. However, I have been unable to accurately replicate the beam characteristics in sequential mode so far.

      For reference, you can find additional information about the laser here.

      I would greatly appreciate any suggestions, guidance, or best practices for modeling this type of light source effectively in sequential mode.

      Thank you for your time and support.

      Best Regards,

    • Niki Papachristou
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Subscriber,

      Thank you for reaching out to us! We have multiple Knowledge base articles online that you can get detailed information on how to model a laser beam: Laser & Fibers

      As a starting point I would suggest to go through this one first: How to model laser beam propagation in OpticStudio: Part 1 - Gaussian beam theory and ray-based approach

      I hope that was helpful, let me know if I can be of further assistance.

      Kind Regards,


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