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Time averaged enthalpy at multiple points

    • S.Shrestha-4


      I ran a transient multiphase simulation. I turned on the data sampling for time statistics before the calculation. After the calculation was done, I wanted to get the time averaged enthalpy of the working fluid at certain points within the domain. I did as following to get the time averaged enthalpy. 


      But when I use the surface integrals>unsteady statistics> , I get a really large number. I was expecting a number around 4e+5 J/kg. Same with the mean wall temperature value. 

      How do I get the correct value of time averaged enthalpy?

    • Prashanth
      Ansys Employee

      Hi, can you confirm the sampled dataset or sampling time has a physical converged solution. You can also write the data to a output file and check if the reported numbers are physical.

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